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Wood Strip Floor - Dark
Size 00 VFM Paint Brush. VFM Paint Brushes sizes start with 00, the smallest and the largest is No 8
Size 0 VFM Paint Brush. VFM Paint Brushes sizes start with 00, the smallest and the largest is No 8
Size 1 VFM Paint Brush. VFM Paint Brushes sizes start with 00, the smallest and the largest is No 8
Size 2 VFM Paint Brush. VFM Paint Brushes sizes start with 00, the smallest and the largest is No 8
Size 3 VFM Paint Brush. VFM Paint Brushes sizes start with 00, the smallest and the largest is No 8
Size 4 VFM Paint Brush. VFM Paint Brushes sizes start with 00, the smallest and the largest is No 8
Size 5 VFM Paint Brush. VFM Paint Brushes sizes start with 00, the smallest and the largest is No 8
Size 6 VFM Paint Brush. VFM Paint Brushes sizes start with 00, the smallest and the largest is No 8
Size 7 VFM Paint Brush. VFM Paint Brushes sizes start with 00, the smallest and the largest is No 8
Size 8 VFM Paint Brush. VFM Paint Brushes sizes start with 00, the smallest and the largest is No 8
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